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hello, i'm goose (he/him), and welcome to my internet site

if you're wondering what this site is all about, it's basically just a little corner where
i can store all my shit haha

here i have an about me page, a page dedicated just to my interests, and more coming

goosetank is a place where i can put whatever i want and be completely myself
unfiltered by social media :) feel free to scroll for some more
information about this site!

why 'goosetank'?

the site name 'goosetank' is kind of random, it's honestly just my steam name that i came
up with from a username generator when inputting my name lol. it has no specific
meaning, but i like to think the tank part of it is like a fish tank and the
website is just a big aquarium for everyone to look at :)

how did i make the site?

i highly encourage anyone who is interested in the indie web/web design in general to
make their own site! i did so using brackets, html/css, firefox, and a lot of web tutorials.
you can find most of everything that helped me make this site in the resources tab!

i started coding this with very, very little knowledge of html. it seems daunting but
it's actually really easy to pick up and make your own site from scratch
if its your dream to have a site, go for it!!!!!!

click me!